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November 30, 2008

6:43 p.m.

It's been pretty much a day-long episode of stomach ick. Same old thing; feels like somebody's burning or drilling a hole somewhere near the bottom, or sometimes in the middle. Can I say I'm really tired of this? It looks questionable whether I'll be able to eat any dinner tonight. I've taken everything there is without a prescription, to no avail.

I've been digestively off for about a week, so I can't blame it all on Thanksgiving. Just the cycle, it seems. Good a while, lousy a while. Having no money and no insurance makes it hard to get probed in those ways that people do when they're trying to find out if there's something wrong inside.

I seem to remember feeling this way the day before we left for Texas. It could be about that, too.

In spite of all that I finished a few books today, including a belated birthday present for Carol. I'd made them for Dar to shop around but since I have them I might as well bring them to this gig. A sale is a sale. I wasn't able to load anything into the car or install the new car seat cover (which I hope will alleviate the back issues attendant to driving) because it's been pouring all afternoon and evening. I'd rather have done that today but there's no shelter out there. I'll have to load out a little earlier in the morning.

Ugh. I guess I'll map the route and go shower. I've forgotten what it feels like to feel good all day.


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