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Cast of Characters

Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
Saturday, Noonish, Sunny - November 05, 2011
October, White - October 31, 2011
October, 2011 - October 04, 2011

January 01, 2008

4:16 p.m.

First Day

The band played three sets in two towns last night and, considering the logistics involved, managed it pretty well. Northampton was difficult; the band before us dragged their asses getting off stage, so we started 15 minutes late for a 45-minute set. Huge church, too echo-y, words lost. Not a lot of folks. We couldn't get our stride. The second set was more sparsely attended, but better. For some peculiar reason there was no bathroom available in the church, and Carol and I had to hoof it two blocks down the street to pee -- a ridiculous oversight.

Afterwards we found some chicken skewers at a nearby deli, at which we snagged the last two open parking spaces in town. Our location in the deli parking lot was a great vantage point for some early fireworks which conveniently started just as we got into our cars to eat. The sky was overcast, but thank goodness the forecast snow and rain never came. It made the night a lot easier.

Worcester was better. We were in a smaller room with a stage, had an enthusiastic full house, and some sound problems. We did the first 2 numbers unplugged, on the floor among the people, while the sound guys tried to figure out why the MAINS suddenly were not on. The better atmosphere made all the difference, though; we shone. It was fun, free, swirly, everything a gig should be. Carol was concerned that a prominent reviewer/reporter was in the audience at Northampton and saw us at our worst. I told her there's nothing we can do about it and it's wasted worry, and that the problems were not our fault. Still, one has to impress those guys. Sigh. It makes me wonder if we're just treading water from year to year -- not making any more money, not building up our mailing list any higher. Have we peaked?

Anyway there were certain gifts of which I took note. After our 2nd N'hampton set, suddenly the rest of the church was unlocked and there was a bathroom available. Good weather made traveling a breeze. We were on time for everything. I got home safely and, when I locked the car and walked up to the back porch, I looked up and gasped. The entire sky had cleared, revealing a glittering swath of stars over my New England town. Orion hung directly above me.

I spent the moment of the year's turnover heading down Rt. 395, listening to the radio.

Once home I poured myself a celebratory glass of wine, although I was very tired. I had to do something. Checked email, had a banana. That put me over the edge of excitement, so I finally went to bed and slept way in this morning.

Today it's a little drizzly; getting dark already. I'm plenty melancholy, but it's the common state these days and there are little sparks of happy inside all that. I spoke with Dar on the phone, the first conversation I've had in 2008. He promised he'd make sure I always had kibble and a nest, no matter how the music business went. I'm humbled by what a loyal and dear friend he is.

In the Caribbean they call December 31st "Old Year's Night." However you divide it up, I hope everyone has a happy and prosperous new year.


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