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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
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January 19, 2005

10:47 a.m.

Poem from the Ashram

Here's a little something I wrote at Kripalu over Christmas Eve. I won't be making another entry til after February 7th; have a nice three weeks, all, and stay warm.

The Affair

I love my pain so much
I've proposed.

Stay with me forever,
I say.
We know each other better
than any lovers.
You've been faithful
even when I was cheerful
over some other fancy,
always there waiting for me
when the air cleared
and I was ready to come home.

I know what you wear
and how you eat.
We speak a language no one else
You make me feel
so alive
and so real.
It's hard to
imagine going anywhere without you.

Let's have children
and name them:
Tears, Tremor, and the twins, Grief and Ire.
We'll live a long life together
and leave everything to them, in the end.

But, wait.
There is something I must do
before we wed for good.

I have had an invitation to sit,
to look within,
and see the emptiness in all things.
It has come from the highest source
and I feel I must accept.
I'm sorry if the timing is awkward,
but don't worry;
the Source has assured me
that Nothing
will come between us.


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