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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
Saturday, Noonish, Sunny - November 05, 2011
October, White - October 31, 2011
October, 2011 - October 04, 2011

May 13, 2009

9:15 p.m.

Still Dithering

Oh, tired. I got interrupted all day having to call the bank, or get a call from the bank, or fax the bank, or copy miles of tax returns, or call Dar, or ask Marc a question. How stressful! Every time I talk to the bank, oh yeah, they want more forms from us, and information we don't always have, or things we don't have easy access to. I wailed to Marc on the way home, "I just want them to give us a loan! And then I want them to leave us alone!"

Nevertheless, after dinner at my family's house Marc said, "You know, the more I think about it, the more sure I am that you'll be in that house." I'm glad one of us is sure. I'm sure I'm supposed to be in it; I just don't know how to get from here to there yet.

Maybe it's the stress, but my fingers are flaring so outrageously right now that I scratched one almost until it bled today. Sorry, but it feels really good to scratch an itch. Eczema sucks.

I did finish soldering my large boards today, and then Marc taught me how to run tests on some other boards. That was fun. By 4:15 we were both fried, so we left. I still got in my 8 hours.

So the company president was talking to Marc in his office today, and he asked confidentially how the new girl was working out. Marc of course touted my skills and swiftness and made me sound very impressive. Pres said he had to make me more "sticky." That means I have to learn how to do a little of everything, so that when there is no assembly to be done, I'll still be needed somewhere. I get to get into the inventory accounting and other procedures. Stick my little fingers into all the pies. Big fat skill set = indispensable employee.

And now I have to charge my Reiki grid and put some good energy into my House. Then I have to go to BED.


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