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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
Saturday, Noonish, Sunny - November 05, 2011
October, White - October 31, 2011
October, 2011 - October 04, 2011

December 16, 2008

11:57 p.m.

Happy Birthday to Me

It was a lovely dinner at Rose and Marc's. Pearl was there too, and their tree is up and decorated. Vintage glass ornaments are strung over the porch door, and all the stockings are hung on one of the support beams, including tiny ones for the cats. The second corn stove is installed and running in the kitchen, so there are toasty places to warm one's backside.

The cats were ubiquitous. There was much picking up of cats and petting of cats and talking to cats. Linus hears the mice in the walls and has a couple of stakeout spots where he hunkers down and stares at the baseboards for hours.

Rose had to work a bit late so she came home with sushi rather than cook. I ate my fill and had no stomach distress, and even had real (well, "light") ice cream afterwards. Can't remember the last time I had ice cream!

And I got an amazing present from them. It was wrapped in a cardboard wrapping-paper tube. I pulled it out and it was... a cello bow!! I'm one piece closer to having a whole cello! Now all I need are tuning pegs, a tailpiece, a bridge and strings! And a luthier to set it up! That's all! And I'm playing the cello! Just like that!

I know the fretless fingering thing is going to be excruciating at first. But I am not afraid. I will adjust. My ear-hand coordination will develop.

We're supposed to have some snow. I don't know how much but I'm ready to hunker down tomorrow. I have vegetables and fruit in the house, I have buffalo for burgers, and Rose gave me some money toward the gas bill. I think it will be a good day to finish knitting scarves, begin a new book, and take some deep breaths. No striving tomorrow. You hear? No striving.

p.s. I joined AARP tonight. Discounts! Bring 'em on.


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