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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
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March 19, 2008

11:11 p.m.

The Bornearly Report

It's 11:11 right now. 11:11 is the time that appears with the most redundancy when I look at the clock.

I'm clawing through the remains of a container of Moose Tracks ice cream, even though I previously relieved it of all its little peanut butter cups. Now I'm going for the fudgy ribbons, which are also nearly gone. It's just dregs now, really, only -- WHOOPS, I just found an orphan peanut butter cup. If they would include about a dozen more per half gallon I might make it to the bottom. As it is, there isn't much joy in the mottled mess that remains.

Tonight I audited the second half of the Reiki 1 training that I began Monday night. Not only was it very interesting to see others taught, about 3 years after I took Reiki 1, but I got reattuned AND had Reiki done on me by my teacher. How great is THAT, for free??

And a peculiar thing happened that also happened last October when I had Reiki 4. After Monday's attunement, my temperature-sensitive tooth was able to accommodate hot and cold food without pain. In October, it remitted for over a month. I had a dental appointment for tomorrow to have it looked at; yesterday I postponed it to next month.

The bliss lasted two days, and today suddenly it hurt for a minute or so, all by itself, without provocation. So something has changed, and I have no trouble eating now but still have to get it looked at. I left a msg at my dentist's to see if I can move the appt. sooner again.

I guess I'll get up way early tomorrow in case they call and say the time is still free. Yuck, but... at least there's movement. Let me state for the record that I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER ROOT CANAL. I have had five. FIVE. Neither do I want an implant, but a root canal is just no longer amusing. I remember how nervous I was when I had the first one, afraid it would hurt terribly and be traumatic. Now it's just a big, expensive nuisance.

(The worst part is when they give that shot into the roof of the mouth and you hear it crackle as it goes through...)

Rose's implants are finally in -- she had two -- and as of today she can eat on the left side of her mouth for the first time in months.

On to other subjects. I've researched djembes a little bit, and will try to go look at some in the near future... got a Jones for a djembe. Band surprise. Retreat exploration. Find my drumming spirit. Cool.

The arrival of the new printer brought home the fact that I have all the Stuff in here that I can accommodate. I had to have a printer that was Mac compatible, so I got this fancy inkjet all-in-one, and I'm very excited about it, but I had no place to put it. Some rearranging provided a corner of the bedroom (goodbye, knitting nook, but that chair had been piled with stuff for months anyway) and all I need now is a work table or desk that will hold the printer and the coil binder, which has lived on the floor under the window for some time. The papasan went back into the living room and is actually very nice there. Marc has begun to make my custom shelf for the office so I can get all the crap off the floor (and the bureau, and the bedroom floor), but I need to visit Home Depot for some materials before he can finish.

I had the thought today that my apartment is looking like the Squatley's yard next door. I'm making minute inroads towards organization but I need to take a couple of days and dig in. I hate living amid all this mess. Between the next big homework deadline and leaving for MacDowell, I promise I'll take care of some of this.


Dar and I have had some great, long phone conversations lately. I can feel us getting closer, looser, more trusting, letting the spaces between words be what they are. I like it. I'll go visit him soon.


I thought about bringing my five orchids to MacDowell. I don't know what kind of light my studio will have but they require different care from the other plants, and since I'll be away so long, I'd rather be responsible for them. I'm on the verge of cutting the jasmine back drastically. She's still blooming some, but her best growth is way on the ends and the inner leaves just look sick. The cuttings I made weeks ago just won't root, though all the research I've done says they ought to root easily in water. I'm about at the place where I get tough... the Aralia is doing its Winter swoon, the begonia is spindly and the plant that's looking the best is the weed I cultivated from the old Cat Palm pot. It may be time to make some gentle changes soon.

But tomorrow is Spring! Hope rises anew that all will flourish. I guess I'll hit the sack, if I'm getting up with the alarm tomorrow.


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