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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
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October, 2011 - October 04, 2011

January 11, 2008

10:13 p.m.

The Way in Which I Take Back the Night

I've slept badly. Two mornings running I awoke to the next door neighbor's boom box at 6:30, just loud enough to keep me from going back to sleep. Last night, at the band's house, I awoke at 2am with a stabbing muscle spasm in my left shoulder blade. That kept me up a long time, and when I finally did get back to sleep, booming thunderstorms woke me again at dawn.

Rose has put me on muscle relaxants for a bit, and now that I'm home I switched my mattress around so my head is tucked back under the slanted ceiling, as far from the window as I can be. I think the acoustics will be kinder there, and I'll go to sleep with earplugs already in tonight just in case. Los Cretinos have been playing music all evening -- not terribly loud, just loud enough to hear when I get into my bedroom. I'm tired.

Our rehearsals were good. My fingers hurt a lot; I haven't been playing much. We have a house concert tomorrow, a birthday bash on the radio Sunday, and soon we go to Florida for a couple of intense weeks. My Celebrancy class begins while we're there. I have to be on a computer Wednesday nights til the end of April to attend class. I'm nervous about the homework. This is the course for which I deferred the second half from last year because I was so insanely busy I couldn't keep up. But I want to finish it, get it overwith.

The weather was weird. Foggy, rainy. It washed the salt off my car. We watched smoke from their chimney billow out into the back yard and mix with the mist. I've just never seen weather like this in New England in January.

My books on drawing and on Leonardo's life arrived. They're beautiful.

I guess that's all I have to say tonight. Oh -- except for this (thanks for the link, Poolagirl) --

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

Sleep well, everyone.


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