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June 22, 2006

12:37 a.m.

Guys with Causes

A weird and unprecedented thing is happening. I think three guys are interested in me.


I got invited to a thing in NYC by one guy, whom I met at a gig a few weeks ago, who doesn't actually know where I live. I'm a few hours outside New York City, so I couldn't go anyway. I didn't really want to go on a date with him in the first place. It was nice of him to ask, though. It was a benefit for a charity he works for.

I had a long chat with the egg man tonight, and I think we're going to be friends. He did invite me to a mountain laurel park, but I'm not really available til next week and they might be past peak by then. I'm not interested in dating him, either. But I'm very glad to have another friend in the area. Doing things with friends is okay. He's a martial arts teacher in addition to being a den mother for guinea fowl, and he offered to teach me some basic defense. Cool. I'll watch out for the trick moves.

Then I met another guy at a benefit where we played last weekend. He's on the board of this organization. I probably met him last year when we did their annual conference, but didn't really remember him, because I often don't remember people I meet once. He kept coming up every now and then to chat, to offer me a beverage. I was polite and reticent at first, but we were at the same table at dinner and gradually I found we had quite a lot to talk about. It made a pleasant evening out of what otherwise would have been a lot of waiting, for me. Our set was only 20 minutes, there was a catered dinner, and we were there about 5 hours. By the end of the night I kind of liked him. When we all said goodbye I reached out to shake his hand, saying it was nice to meet him. He looked at my hand for a moment and hesitated, then took it, leaned up and gently kissed my cheek.

Well, he lives hours away and it's fine. It's just nice to be paid attention to. It's been a long time. I really think it's the hair. When I had spiky hair, guys didn't notice me. Maybe they thought I was a dyke. Maybe I was. Maybe I am, and they're in for a big surprise. But meanwhile I feel all lovely and liked.

AND I've been off wheat, sugary stuff, and most dairy (except my homemade yogurt) for almost a week now, and so far so good. Got some 5 lb. weights, too, in lieu of using the total gym. Aside from menstrual cramps, I feel pretty good. I cooked quinoa tonight (what the hell do you do with quinoa? Does anyone know?) as an alternative grain. I'm getting so organic I can't stand it.

Tired now.


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