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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
Saturday, Noonish, Sunny - November 05, 2011
October, White - October 31, 2011
October, 2011 - October 04, 2011

November 21, 2005

6:59 p.m.


I thought I'd share with you a few things that are hanging in my apartment. I have a scant few paintings and a little photo gallery of moments that mean a lot to me.

Here is my band, receiving our first large festival check ever!

My mother painted in oils when I was young. I remember when we lived in Germany, she had a studio set up somewhere in the house -- I don't remember where -- and she wore a smock which I can still see. I also remember the smell of the paints, and how when I had to paint something for a high school project (I believe it was a portrait of the traitor Matthew Arnold, hanging from a tree or a gallows), how she encouraged me. I don't know how long her oil period lasted, but she took classes. Although many years later she admitted she wasn't all that good, I love the two small paintings I have of hers. One is a still life, and this one is of Napoleon. The little rainbow on his face is from the crystal in my kitchen window.

I have one painting, an unfinished study really, of Dar's friend Jocelyn, who died of cancer. I believe the final copy of this painting went to a hospital or a school or something in Haiti.

This next photo was taken in 1984 -- which is an amazing distance to think back upon -- of me and Rose, in Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts. Good God, her hair was three feet long, and mine was curly! I remember that shirt, too -- I was dating a juggler at the time and things were a little circusy.

Finally, here is the knitting nook I recently created in my bedroom. This is one of the finest places to be in the apartment now.

I hope you've enjoyed the tour. Have a lovely evening, all.

P.S. I've been reading a little Stephen King book aloud for much of the day, and now I cahn't get that accent outa my head. Gorry, y'd think I wan't from away, the way I'm talkin.


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