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Mid-January, Rain - January 13, 2012
Almost Midwinter - December 14, 2011
Saturday, Noonish, Sunny - November 05, 2011
October, White - October 31, 2011
October, 2011 - October 04, 2011

December 12, 2003

10:52 p.m.

Pioneer Woman

Nice gig tonight in a town where we're developing a fan base, so not a lot of people but some hard core fans. Great health food store next door. Came home to find that, once again, no hot water and no heat. Hello, office? Time to stick a crowbar in your bank account at GET A NEW BOILER. Why else did you raise all our rents, anyway?

So I had all this spiky wax in my hair and I was looking forward to a nice hot shower so I wouldn't wax up my pillowcase tonight, and I thought, What would mom have done? My mother was amazing -- unflappable, resourceful, raising 3 kids by herself while dad was off on TDY most of the time. So I stepped out of the snit I was having over the boiler issue, heated some water on the stove, and washed my hair in the kitchen sink. It felt go-o-o-od. I kept laughing and singing, Laa de deeeeee... LAAAAA de daaaaaa... like Curly in that old 3 Stooges movie. Then of course I thought about all the people in Afghanistan who don't EVER have any hot water, and eat a handful of dried corn per day, and I thought, I'm livin' it up here, quit bitchin'.

So I heated up some ginger tea, opened a can of chili, turned on the little ceramic heater and I am snug.

Slowly learning a little html. Is this bold? Whoopee. I actually ordered a book. I kind of "ride the little bus" when it comes to html, see. So many people here have spectacular diaries, and I feel sort of like a pedestrian on the interstate. I guess that's okay; I didn't sign up to be flashy, I just wanted to write a few things down. But I do admire the interior decorating of others.

Here's something alarming. We have a part-time agent who's been representing us and a number of other artists for going on a couple of years now. The guy who manages his agency website let the domain name renewal lapse, and SOMEONE ELSE BOUGHT IT AND TURNED IT INTO A PORN SITE. Now a-a-all the press materials he's sent out from day 1 with his website on them will send people to kinky sex pictures. What a disaster!

That is much worse than having to heat water on a stove.


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